I have not yet completed a beauty TAG as if yet, and since reading two TAG's by
Born To Buy and
Beauty in a Bottle, I decided I would finally take the plung and do one for myself! So here goes!
Makeup1. Blush or bronzer? Blush for sure! At the moment my favourite is the Bourjois blush in '03 Brun Cuivre'.
2. Lipgloss or lipstick? Neither, I am more of a tint girl. I don't like the way lipgloss feels and lipstick always seems to get everywhere with me! I hate seeing it on cups and food!
3. Chapstick or lip butter? Chapstick, at the moment I have two lip balms of choice, both are vanilla one from Soft Lips and the other from 1SkinSolution.
4. Matte or sparkle eye shadow? Matte, I don't really apply eyeshadow often, but when I do I like it to be subtle.
5. Eyeliner or mascara? Mascara. Even when I am not wearing make up, I sometimes apply just a little mascara. At the moment I am in love with Revlon's Grow Luscious, the brush is huge and amazing!
6. Gel, liquid, cream or pencil eyeliner? I love my marker style liquid liner from Mirenesse. I get it right every time and it is soo easy to apply.
7. Foundation or concealer? Concealer, I rarely do a full face of make up anymore, but concealer helps me look a little more alive and hide those dark circles.
8. Liquid or powder foundation? Liquid, I find powder ends up looking cakey and thick, and I don't really like how it feels.
9. Neutral or statement eyes? Neutral, always.
10. Pressed or loose shadow? Pressed. I make such a mess with loose, I end up with more on my lap or bed than I do on my face.
11. Waterproof or non-waterproof? Waterproof, I am far too paranoid that I am going to have black running down my face!
12. Brush, sponges or fingers? Brushes and fingers. Fingers are good for a quick on the go application, which is my everyday application haha.
13. Powder, cream or liquid highlighter? I am not sure really because I don't really use a highlighter, I have used high beam and moon beam from Benefit and I like those both, and I have also used dafodill by Benefit as a highlighter and liked that as well!
14. Contouring or no contouring? I usually can't be bothered because I haven't quite perfected this one yet, I need a pro to give me some tips for my face shape.
15. Red, bright or nude lips? I always go for shades closest to my natural lip colour, and that is a dark fleshy red.
Nails1. OPI or Essie? OPI. Dying to own the pirates collection!
2. Acrylic or natural? Natural. I used to wear nails all the time, but they are such a hassle and ruined my normal nails.
3. Brights or darks? Either. Depends what mood I am in. Currently I haven't paint my nails in a few weeks, and I still have the remainders of Butter's yummy mummy and Essie's French affair on my ring fingers.
4. Matte or shiny? Once again, either. I like to change it up.
5. Glitter or no glitter? No glitter. I love glitter.. until it comes time to get it off and I sit there for a week picking it off because my nail polish remover doesn't budge it at all.
6. Short, medium or long? Medium or short. I get to a certain length where I have to cut them off because they annoy me.
Body1. Perfume or body spray? Depends what I am doing, if I am just going to work I will just use my normal deodorant which is a neutral smell with some body spray. (I work amoungst men, one being my husband, and another my step father in law) in a car servicing/water tank building, and wear jeans to work) Going out I will always wear perfume, either Midnight Fantasy or Shock One.
2. Lotion or body butter? Butters, I have really dry skin and butter's seem to help a tonne more!
3. Body wash or soap? Body wash. I always use body wash on my puff. I don't like soap, espeically since I share a shower with 5 others, including a 7 year old.. I just find it weird that someone else might use it directly on their body..
4. Self tanners, tanning salon or au naturale? Au naturale. Sometimes I will use gradual tanning lotions, but over-tanning and looking orange is not my thing.
5. Body brush, exfoliating glove or body scrub? Scrub, my husband and I use Puretopia body scrub on eachother in the shower and sort of give each other massages at the same time, so that's always nice.
And we're done! Well that was fun, comment below and let me know if you agree with my choices!